Thursday, December 4

Simple Ways to Become Environmentaly Friendly

We hear the words "eco friendly" more and more each day so what exactly does it mean? Well eco friendly can have many different meanings, from changing a few light bulbs to buying energy saving appliances to even recycling. There are many things that you can do to help the planet that are "eco friendly".

One of the simplest things that you can do is change the light bulbs that you use in your house to energy efficient light bulbs. By changing your light bulbs you will instantly start conserving energy. The light bulbs that you should change first are the kitchen lights, ceiling lights, porch lights, family room lights, and floor lamps. ENERGY STAR (2008) states that by changing your light bulbs to ENERGY STAR light bulbs you will use 75% less energy than the ordinary light bulb. If everyone in the United States changed their most frequently used light bulbs to ENGERY STAR bulbs, than the United States could save up to 8 million dollars in energy cost in one year.

By continuing to try to make your transformation into an "eco friendly" person, you can start recycling. Recycling is an easy way to help the environment and you can even make a few dollars a month by doing it. According to the National Recycling Coalition (2007) by recycling you slow down climate change and global warming and slow down the amount of garbage being thrown away. They also state that the average American throws away about 5 pounds of garbage a day. When we throw this much garbage away it is very harmful to the earth and backs up landfills. When recycling the materials that are harder to decompose, they are reused to make new products. When these materials aren't recycled it is harmful to the earth because they don't decompose which makes them stay in the landfill longer. When these materials are in the land fill for a long period of time they let off more CO2 gases which we all know are harmful to the environment.

The last thing that you can do to help change your amount of energy use is to switch to energy efficient appliances like your refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer, and dishwasher.
By changing your washer and dryer to an ENERGY STAR washer and dryer you will not only save water but you will save energy, money and your clothes will last longer. When you change your refrigerator and freezer you will save 10-20% more energy according to ENERGY STAR (2008). They also state that buy changing out old refrigerators and freezers you will save enough energy to light a house for four months! Finally you can move on to replacing you dishwasher. ENERGY STAR states that you will save up to 41% more energy. This is huge, and it is one of the smallest appliances. By changing out your dishwasher you could also save up to $90 a year! These are just a few appliances that you can change in your house to make a difference.

Helping the environment is very important. If everyone just helps out a little it can really make a big difference. I hope that I gave you many ideas of how you can help the planet and I hope that you chose to go out and do something to save energy!

(2008). Light bulbs and fixtures. Energy Star. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from

(2007). Why it’s important. National Recycling Coalition. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from

(2008). Flooring. Environmental Design Home. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from

(2007).Countertops: 12 materials you can choose from…….which are eco friendly. Get with \
Green. Retrieved October 14, 2008 from

(2008).2008 most fuel and least fuel efficient vehicles. Fuel Economy. Retrieved October 14,
2008 from

Written By: Jennifer McIntire

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